Friday, June 10, 2005

Game mock-ups

Within two days, the publishers sent me provisional mock-ups of the game. Wow, they looked really neat. They are cartoony, but professional. And there was my name, in little type, on the back cover, as "game designer".

The theme of the game had been completely changed, which doesn't bother me. They still intend to use the theme as developed to sell to a particular company in Israel. But apparently their ultimate intention is to sell in America, so that is what the first mockup is for.

They are starting out by trying to produce inexpensive (read: $1) games in mass distribution (read: +50,000 units) to dollar stores. As soon as we have a title and a distribution deal, you will be the first to know the rest of the details, including where and when to buy it.

Hmm, I will ask them if they will let me sell copies myself. Shipping from Israel for a game of this size is only about $1.50, anyway. I just don't know how this will all work. Still working on the agreement.

The frightening thing is that I'm also still finalizing the game design - some of the fine points of the rules need to be polished.


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