Thursday, November 24, 2005

As long as we're linking

Those of you who receive this via RSS don't have access to my blogroll, so here's a list of the gaming blogs that I currently read.

Blogs that don't update more than once a week or so often fall off my blogroll. In theory it shouldn't matter. Bloglines will just present me with whatever is new each day, without having to worry about what isn't. But I don't want links to old sites populating the side of my web site. I suppose I could change the entry to private, so that it won't show up. Say that I reward those who update their content regularly.

Finding information about the name and location of the bloggers behind each of these blogs proved tricky. I chased through old blog messages, obscure links, Google, even eBay to find the info, and sometimes I didn't succeed. I could find the rest by emailing, but I'm too lazy. Note to bloggers: post basic information about yourself in a highly visible area of your blog, not to mention RSS info. Good for business.

All of the following blogs have game content worth reading regularly, in my opinion:

&games - Brian Waters, aka Coldfoot. A blog about gaming as well as life in Alaska.

A Gamer's Eye - Jacob Valdez, from Arlington, Texas. First of many quality blogs from Texas.

About Board Games - Erik Arneson. A cushy location in which to write a blog, filled with mainstream information about board games from a guy who also obviously enjoys Euro games, as well.

aka pastor guy - Mark Jackson, California. First of many blogs by missionaries or flock-leading Christians.

Austin Board Gamer - Michael Chapel. Another Texas blog. On the verge of not updating frequently enough.

Billygames and Stuff - Richard Minson and Natalie Ford. A UK blog. - Ken Rumsey. Hasn't updated in a long while, but at least there is a post to that effect on the blog.

Boardgames To Go - Mark Johnson. One of the top podcasts about board games.

break out the board games. - A livejournal board game forum.

The Chapel Perilous - Monte Cook, creator of much of the new line of D&D products, and a generally cool guy.

Chris Brooks - Oregon. Chris and his entire family are not only avid game players, they are wonderful people. Chris is also involved in a new game company, Sunriver Games.

Chris Farrell's Gaming Blog - Chris is probably the intelligentsia of board gaming, with detailed posts about the deepest games and gaming subjects. He is often critical of game hype, a trait he and I share.

Death Metal Cafe - Dave Eggleston, part of a game group that includes Doug Cooley, Chris Brooks, and KC of Sunriver Games.

Diet Evil, Dancing Eggplant - Anye Sellers. Another Texas blog, by the founder of Dancing Eggplant Games.

Dreifuss Gaming - From the Dreifuss family in the triangle area in North Carolina.

Dug's Gaming Session Reports - Doug Cooley. Another Oregon blog.

Friends Over Gaming - Jeff Wauer, Los Angeles.

Game Store Confidential - DWTripp, game store owner. Hasn't been updated since he started posting on Gone Gaming. His posts on Gone Gaming are often extremely funny.

The Game Table - Jim, otherwise known as ekted. Serious gamer.

Gameblog - Mikko Saari, a Finnish blogger.

GameWire Features - Great stuff from Gamefest, and online store doing right by the community.

GameWire Weblogs - The blogs from GameWire, which right now means Tom Vasel.

Gaming in Pearland - Sean Brady, another Texas blog.

Gathering of Engineers - A multi-blogger blog of high quality. Often follows a topic of the week.

Gone Gaming - A multi-blogger blog of high quality (as well as my weekly postings). Many bloggers with very different voices.

Greg J. Schloesser: Musings - Greg Schloesser, the game world's missionary. His session reports formed the initial database for BGG. This blog has had little game material lately, as he has been moving a lot.

GROG 'Blog' - Robert Wesley, aka GROGnads. Has mastered the art of obfuscating all of his posts with strange colors and fonts. A wargamer working on many variants to games.

HaberGamer - Mark Haberman, Ohio. New blog, only two posts. Has he forgotten about it?

inconsequential ruminations - Iain Cheyne, a UK blogger.

Incunabula - Eric Landes, also a member of the Gathering of Engineers.

Infinity Games Blog - by the members of Infinity Games, a UK store.

Jerusalem Strategy Gaming Club - That's me, although I changed the name of my blog to "Yehuda".

Lumbersmiths - Jeff Coon, another quality Texas blog.

Magic_Rat's Xanga Site - Jason Sato, Arizona. Voluminous. Plays and reports on about twenty games a week, as far as I can tell.

Mandarin's Manor - Milton Soong. On the verge of not updating frequently enough.

Matthew Gray's Weblog - Somerville, MA. Games and family.

Musings of the Hearth - Aaron D. Fuegi, Boston.

Musings, Ramblings, and Things Left Unsaid - Alfred. Don't know much more about him, actually, except that he may still be a grad student and he likes Knizia games. Among other good stuff, he is writing a weekly wrap-up of blog articles he finds interesting.

Naturelich Games - Also don't know much about him, other than it is a 'him'. Speak up, naturelich.

netfrantz - Someone named Mike. Hasn't posted game material in a while.

News From the GameWire - Another way of getting GameWire news.

nimrods - Peter Haslehurst, a UK blog.

Northwoods Games - Thomas, Iowa. now being paid to write reviews for Games by James, so his blog is irregular.

The One Hundred - Also by Mark Jackson, this is a blog whose sole purpose is to list a good group of games. I don't know what its future intentions are.

Pawnstar - Anthony Simons, a UK blog.

Pulsipher Boardgame Design - Dr. Lewis Pulsipher, a game designer.

RCK2 - Robert C Kalajian Jr. Originally called the Thought of Rain.

Rick's Boardgame Blog - Richard Fawkes, Manila.

Rozmiarek Games Page - Ed and Susan and family. A Texas blog.

Shannon A. - Shannon Appelcline, Berkeley. Games and family life.

The Skotos Articles Archives - Articles about games, including computer games. Shannon posts here a lot.

Sniff the Light Fantastic - Joe Gola. Hasn't updated since Joe started on Gone Gaming, and wasn't about gaming anyway. But he's such a good writer.

Spiel : Boardgames in the UK - Garry Lloyd of the Shrewsbury Boardgames Club, UK.

Static Zombie - Peter Sarrett, of the Game Report (which may one day publish a new issue).

The Tao of Gaming - Brian Bankler. Well tended.

Thinking Out Loud - Jason Little, St Louis. A D&D game designer and board gamer.

Thoughts of Chairman Mike - Mike Deans, also on Gathering of Engineers.

Tibs Manor - Thomas J. Feiler, triangle, NC.

Tree Weasel Weekly - From the UK. No name found. Friend of Iain's.

Up on Point by Joe Steadman - Originally Stuck in Korea. Has a great podcast with Tom Vasel. Wargamer.

WAGS Chronicles - Multi-blogger blog in Toronto.

משחקי לו - Hebrew board games forum.

If you have any to add, post a comment.


  1. You make me feel guilty. I've been adding blogs to my RSS feed, but haven't been as diligent about linking to them on my blog.

    I think my link to this site is still listed as JSGC.

    Soon. Very soon. I will update. Got a few inactive links that need to be deleted too.

    You've listed a couple I haven't yet run across. Thanks.

  2. I have the links appear automatically as I update my blogroll on bloglines. If you look at the source of my page, you will not find the actual links, only the code from blogroll that displays them.

    On the one hand, that is nice because it keeps it current. On the other hand, site parsers like Blogshares and Technorati ignore my links which cause the sites I link to sink in the blog ratings. Bugs me a little bit.


  3. Excellent. Nice to know a little more about the man behind the blog.



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