Monday, January 16, 2006

BGIA nominations are up

The good news: there were many great nominations, some lesser nominations, and a few disqualified nominations (lots of people nominated and then read the rules, in that order).

The major point of any award series is to help publicize the great stuff that is out there, and I think it did a great job. There were quite a few items nominated that I had never heard of: many publisher sites, slews of online gaming sites (including a few that we had to leave out that were not in English but are easy enough for English speakers to use), at least one entire podcast (PulpGamer), and so on.

Big thanks to whomever nominated me, of course.

The bad news: a few categories didn't receive many nominations, even though I know that there was plenty of material out there for these categories. These were mainly article categories; I guess people didn't feel like wading through old posts to find the links required to submit the nominations. The exception in low number of nominations was Best Journal; I think so many people simply thought that The Games Journal should win that they didn't bother with any others. With the exception of Indepth, which was also nominated, the only other ones I can think of are Games International and Knucklebones (or is that print only?)

Best of luck to all nominees.


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