Saturday, January 28, 2006

In other news

The Menorah Game has now been officially turned down by all publishers. *sniff* I have a few options for self-publishing (I would change the theme, of course) and even investors willing to pay for it. I have to decide if I want to do that and risk all of their money. Because we would still have to advertise and distribute it somehow. What should I do?

In case I haven't said it a thousand times already, time to make some more games.

BGIA awards should be here soon ... a little late, but hopefully not too late.

BGG.con now has a date. I have little hope of attending, but maybe there'll be another miracle this year.

Gone Gaming is now six months old.

My game group members have overwhelmingly said that they want to try out RPGs and Magic, so our next few sessions will be slightly different than usual.



  1. You asked "What should I do?"

    The easy answer is to not publish. Far and away the great majority of self-published games lose money. And not just a little bit, most of what was invested in the project. Even if you do manage to sell out (you should be so lucky!), the returns will often be very modest.

    For some people, the money lost is not that important -- they consider it well-spent for the experience and pleasure of publishing their own game. If this does not describe you (or your investors), save your money.

  2. OK, that's the easy answer. I guess the question is how many people would like to buy the game. I know of about twenty. I feel confident I could get another hundred.

    Beyond that, I don't know.

    And yes, it would be a pleasure to be published.



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