Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The real news about The Games Journal

Despite what Board Game News has reported, The Games Journal is not "back". Not really, anyway.

What Greg informs me is that he has no intention of returning to a journal. However, he had a few additional articles lying around that never got published. Rather than leave them in limbo, he decided that he will post them as he gets to them. In addition, if he receives any other additional articles of the same quality, he may post them, as well.

What we have here, as I described to Greg, is a high-quality, infrequent, and irregular blog of edited game articles being posted on The Games Journal's site. Which is only fitting, as it was always my opinion that the rise in blogs was the major reason for the decline in submissions to The Games Journal, which is what led to its closing.

My own Ethics in Gaming 5.0 article was the last one submitted to The Games Journal before it closed, and was never published there. I subsequently posted it on Gone Gaming, but Greg and I thought it would be nice to include it on his "blog" and in his archives as a way of keeping the series together.

Whatever form they come in, I'm happy to see good quality edited game articles. Once again, thanks to Greg for whatever efforts he puts in in bringing them to us.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was a little bit shocked when I read the post on Boardgamenews. Rick obviously has his feelers out everywhere as I made the changes without any announcement and having talked to only 3 or 4 people about it. Very industrious that man.

    I attempted to be very careful in the e-mails I did send to emphasize that this was NOT "The Return of The Games Journal". For no other reason than I do not want expectations to be too high. The site remains officially dead, even if the body gives the odd kick or two. As I mentioned to you privately, the amount of new material will be very sparse and occasional (if there's any at all).

    You are correct that I will be happy to receive any potential contributions but I will not be actively seeking them out nor will I be adhering to any sort of schedule whatsoever.


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