Friday, May 05, 2006

Ads and Blogger

I'm biting the hand that feeds me, but is there anything that Blogger does well that other free blog sites don't do?

So far, all I can see are the deficiencies: no tags, lots of outages, no scripting other than JavaScript, no easy access to pictures, unformatted comment pages, limited captcha, ... I opened a Wordpress account just to see what I was missing, and boy did it look better.

To add insult to injury, I was finally approached by an ad company willing to pay me to put some ads on my site (baby steps, but steps!), but the ads only work if I have access to: PHP, ASP, Perl, Coldfusion, Wordpress plugin, vBulletin, Movable Type, Drupal, or Postnuke. In other words, on any site other than Blogger.

Blogger is a Google company and works just fine with Google Adsense, but that seems to be about it.


Articles I'm working on: Web 3.0, and Games that are Art

Technorati tags:


  1. Is there anyway to move your blog as a whole, intact to a new service without losing your entire archive?

  2. Actually, yes. Another nice feature of Wordpress is to wholly copy your blog from another service.

    I would then have to deal with the all of links to my blog from around the Internet; that would take a while.

    I am seriously considering it. I was hoping someone could tell me why I shouldn't, but I haven't heard anything.



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