Thursday, May 25, 2006

Weekend vacation

My company is having a vacation weekend, starting an hour from now. They are taking us to a five star hotel on the Dead Sea, where I imagine there will be Internet access somewhere, but one never knows. So if you don't hear from me until Saturday night, that will be why. But you probably will.

I've packed Puerto Rico, which I know Rachel plays, along with Caylus, which I am hoping to teach her. In addition, I brought Apples to Apples, For Sale, and two decks of cards, in case I find any game playing co-workers.

Keep dreaming,

P.S. If you have any thoughts or comments that you've never written down, about my blog, about games, about the Internet, about Israel, about life, or about whatever, feel free to write them in the comments of this post.


  1. Just like this!

    I just want to say thank you to anyone who reads, subscribes to, or comments on my blog. It has been a great encouragement.


  2. And it will keep on being... Have fun. Relax. Enjoy. Play.



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