Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Analysis of The Menorah Game

I wrote an Analysis of The Menorah Game for Gone Gaming. Check it out if you are one of the lucky few who has a copy of my game.

As we come to the end of the year, I am considering new directions for my blogging. The laser-like focus I intend for this blog hits the beam-splitter of my head before I post. Where I was once mostly board games and a little tech and Israel, I am now half board games and half philosophy, ethics, Israel, and other stuff.

I know that this is annoying to some people. The obvious solution was just to wait to move to the new Blogger, when I will be able to tag my posts. However, I think I will be going a bit more radical.

As of February, I plan to split the game stuff off to a new blog; I also plan to stop writing for Gone Gaming and move all of my game related posts to the new blog. This blog will continue to be about everything else.

Questions: Do I repost or move some of my game posts to the new blog? Or just let them stay here? What about links on other sites to my past posts?

Some lazy links ...

A whole lot of free downloadable board and card games on Super Duper Games.

In January, the Westview Iowa church will be holding a silent auction of games to raise funds for the Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry. Consider checking out the organization and donating all those games you got for Christmas but didn't really want. Game donations are tax deductible.

Regarding my quip about crazy Chess players, David sent me links corroborating or contesting this craziness, such as this article in Time magazine from April, 2005 about Bobby Fischer, Did Chess Make Him Crazy?

In the middle of this article by the Corvallis Gazette-Times about Christmas shopping in general, comes the following quote from Errol Noel at The Toy Factory:
In some cases, it’s been tough to keep up with demand. Lego construction kits and a board game called Settlers of Catan, for instance, have been difficult to keep in stock.
The Detroit Free Press managed to sneak Apples to Apples and Blokus into an article on recommended games for young and old.

And here's a "board game" called Spintastik. It's just a spinner that assigns chores around the house, as well as the rewards for doing them.



  1. Although I first came here by reading your game stuff, I do enjoy the eclectic mix of techno-ethical-Isreali-politics.

    I'll miss the random stuff if you start a seperate games blog (cause I suspect I'll just read that one).

  2. You can't please everyone; which, when you think about it, is rather strange, because we are all so similar in so many ways.

    But for any given trip, you're the only one that both starts at this place and ends at that place. Everyone else gets on or off somewhere else.



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