Thursday, December 28, 2006

Session Report, in which we play and review Wildlife

The latest Jerusalem Strategy Gaming Club session report is up here. Games played: Prototype, Lord of the Rings: the Confrontation, Wildlife, Puerto Rico.

I give our first impressions on Wildlife, and hope that the one exceedingly bad game mechanic in it will be cleared up when I look on the Geek in a few minutes.

To end the year, one more in the annals of Chess lunacy: A Chess player was banned for cheating. He was receiving advice from his friends running a chess computer during the match via a bluetooth earpiece. I don't know why so much commentary seems focus on the bluetooth aspect of it, rather than the simple cheating aspect. Unless they are going to come up with some scare stories about how bluetooth makes it easier/encourages people to cheat.

On the positive side of gaming, here's a nice article about Child's Play, who donates video games to hospital and so on.

In my continuing efforts to keep my readers aware of what's going on in the world of board gaming, I present to you the Intelligent Design vs. Evolution Board Game, produced by The Way of the Master. This organization is apparently an effort by Ray Comfort of Living Waters, an evangelical ministry, and Kirk Cameron, former child-star of the sitcom Growing Pains.

From the game description:
At last, a board game that reveals the insanity of perhaps the greatest hoax of our times -- the unscientific "theory of evolution."

"Intelligent Design vs Evolution" is unique in that the playing pieces are small rubber brains and each team plays for "brain" cards. Each player uses his or her brains to get more brains, and the team with the most brains wins.
Meanwhile, the next "next Monopoly" is a game called Portrayal, which is kind of a Pictionary, except that all players have to replicate an image based on another player's 90 second description. It includes a 10-sided die; that's really why I mention it.


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