Sunday, December 31, 2006

When Saboteurs are Sabotees, and Vice is Versa

The bar-mitzvah was another lovely chance to keep acquainted with all my cousins, and especially for my own children to stay acquainted with their cousins and second-cousins.

But enough of that. What did we game?


I taught this to my brother and his two kids. We played four player in the evening; I wanted to see how well the game holds up with 4 players as compared to 8. It holds up pretty well, actually.

Like other games, this is more of a toy than a game. It's not going to "build patterns" in your life or make you a deeper person. It is just one way of passing time and the stories that result thereof. Which means that it's fun, but not too deep.

We played two rounds, and they were both kind of odd. In the first game, my brother misunderstood when I said that the game ends when the treasure is found or when the deck and cards run out. He thought it goes until the deck and cards run out.

So after we got the treasure and I said that the round is over, he lamented that if he knew the game was going to end right then he would have played one of his cave-ins the round before. While I can't figure out exactly what the point would be of continuing the game after the treasure has been found, I can understand people getting confused about processes and rules on their first play.

Gamely moving on to the second round, one of my brother's sons was the saboteur (we'll call him A) while the other one wasn't (we'll call him Y). In this game, A, the saboteur, misunderstood the saboteur's role and thought that it was his job to place the card to get to the treasure first. Meanwhile, Y, a dwarf, was convinced that the best way to receive the most gold was to be the one to place the card to get to the treasure first (which is true).

So A spent his time placing cards that helped the dwarves, and Y spent his time destroying routes until he could pick the cards that would enable him to get the treasure first. Needless to say, with both player playing the opposite roles of what they should have been playing, my brother and I were thoroughly confused by the end of the round.

For Sale

The next day I taught my first-cousin-once-removed's to play For Sale. We played five player and we all scored about the same in each game. They liked the game, and they took it with them and played it for the rest of the day when they weren't playing basketball.

Rachel and I had hoped to get to a game of Puerto Rico but we ended up just taking a lovely walk about the little yishuv (Nir Galim), past the cows and so on.

I read the rules for Netrunner and I'm quite impressed with the work that went into creating theme for the game. In fact, the game itself looks really good. If this is what I can expect from CCG's, then I am even more impressed with the creation of Magic than I was before.

The nominations for the BGIA are now closed. I will be creating a nominations list soon.


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