Thursday, October 25, 2007

Session Report, in which I re-evaluate Colossal Arena

The latest Jerusalem Strategy Gaming Club session report is up. Games played: Colossal Arena, San Juan, Bridge, Power Grid, Pirate's Cove.

I was evaluating whether or not to trade away Colossal Arena, so we gave it another go.

Last week I pointed you to a bunch of online virtual tabletops for gaming, most of which were specifically designed for role-playing. Cyberboard is one that I missed.

On some other site I saw a mention of online roleplaying the old-fashioned way: play-by-post, play-by-email, and so on. How many of these are there? RPG Gateway is a huge list of them, over 1000, as well as links to hundreds of other resource sites. I don't think the lists are well taken care of, so there are probably a lot of dead links, but there you go.

Some popular ones include Myth Weavers, Roleplaying Online, Plothook, DND Online Games, and many more.

Here's a new way to play my favorite game online: Puerto Rico. Other places to play Puerto Rico online include Phial, For Whom The Web Rocks, BrettSpielWelt (not at the moment; it may come back), PR-Game, and a downloadable Puerto Rico program from Eagle Games. Rumored to be coming to the XBox, too (and the reason it is no longer available on BSW).

Trivial Pursuit is now set to become a television game show. Wouldn't be the first board game to do this.

Catholic Games offers "church approved Catholic games", for your pleasure enjoyment edification.

Hardcore Ludography makes fun of the recent "Dumbledore is gay" announcement by reporting that Bruno Faidutti has made the same announcement about one of the characters in Citadels.

Opposite Day in the Charlotte Observer means people playing games together.

Rapid City Observer also talks about board games with some suggestions for new ones to try.

The Daily Pennsylvanian reports on a weird online/offline game of conquest being played by students at the Ivy League schools.



  1. So where's the re-evaluation of Colossal Arena, then? ;)

    Although lukewarm to this when I first played it, I have come to enjoy it. It's a touch random, but there's enough room for player influence to keep it interesting.

    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

  2. Read the session report, of course.



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