Saturday, November 17, 2007

BGG.con 4 - Shabbat coming in

I'm back at the place I'm staying for shabbat (5910 Harvest Hill), while BGG.con drones on without me.

It's not too bad. A little clearing of the head won't hurt me. I think if I hadn't already played Tuesday night and especially Wed night, I would be more irked.

I feel bad about all the people I haven't had a chance to talk with yet, such as Brian Waters, aka Koldfoot. We briefly said hello, but I was in the middle of teaching a game. Lots of other people I met were great, but I don't remember most of their names :-( . I got to play a lot with Chris Brooks, however, and also Jim Ginn.

Mischa Krilov has been my personal saviour during the convention, not only squeezing me into his room for sleeping, but also helping me out with the math trade and flea market tomorrow. I owe him a lot.

I've been asked questions about the pirate game, and even witnessed some trading and socializing going on, which is nachas. I've not been overwhelmed with questions, which I hope means that everyone understands the game, and not that most people aren't playing.

I don't know if Scott has publicised what the rewards you can win are yet, but you should ask him if he hasn't!

Today's schedule was pretty light. I played Thebes, which I really liked. During the game, however, I could already hear my game group complaining about some of the random draws and card flips. I liked the game so much, however, that I'm willing to get it and find a way around that.

I played Traumfabrik. This was the only game experience that wasn't really great for me. The people were perfectly nice, but they were too chatty and slow for my tastes. Not a good match for me.

Lastly, I played a prototype that Chris brought. It's essentially a route finding game of crossing bridges to pick up goods that get delivered to each bridge. You need to cross all the bridges, and pick up all the types of goods.

I really liked it quite a lot. Rio Grande may pick it up, which would be nice.

I miss my wife and kids. See you on the other side of shabbat!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Yahuda,

    I hope you made it home safely. I'm glad you liked the Bridge game Chris played with you (Bridgetown Races: Portland). I'm the designer and if you have any feedback about the game, suggestions, critiques, etc. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

    Carey Grayson


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