Sunday, August 31, 2008

Going to Hungary on Friday

Going to Hungary this Friday, Sept 5 to Sept 14. I'm going with Rachel and with my parents (they're taking us).

The first Friday to Sunday morning we will walk around Budapest's Jewish and river areas. If anything cheap and interesting is happening in Budapest on Friday afternoon or Saturday evening in the way of concerts, dance, culture, gaming, or literature, I'm happy to hear about it. Sunday to Friday we'll be in the Lake Balaton region, driving around the lake or to see something interesting (ditto for requests). Friday to Sunday morning back in Budapest (maybe gaming on Saturday afternoon).

I'll take pictures, of course. Since I don't know if I will have internet access, I don't know if or when I'll be updating the blogs during that time.



  1. Cool - I'm going to be in Budapest around the end of September so please tell us about anything of interest when you get back.

  2. Yea, give us the full report on the new video games, etc.

  3. hi!
    You can visit our boardgame session which is held by us at Szabo Ervin's Public Library (Rottenbiller street, just 3 minutes from Keleti trainstation) every first saturday of the month or wednesday evening GameClub, held in Ráday street-Biblia köz (2 minutes walk distance from Kálvin metro station.
    XIth Jewish Sumer Festival1s home page:


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