Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sexuality Reflected in Three Different Versions of "I Want Candy"

I Want Candy was a hit for the group Bow Wow Wow in 1982. They didn't have much other success, but that one song has retained a lasting power exceeding the songs of groups that had more hits (*cough* Flock of Seagulls *cough*). Something to do with its great Bo Diddly-esque beat.

I Want Candy was a remake of a song originally recorded in 1965 by a group called The Strangeloves, who also didn't have much other success. In the last decade, others have recorded the song, including Aaron Carter (whose version is so pre-teen and bubbly that it inspired a sarcastic reaction song called I Want Candy Dead) and Melanie C as a one-off for a movie.

I Want Candy is a sexual song, that's pretty clear. The lyrics are suggestive, but relatively tasteful.
I know a girl who's soft and sweet
She's so fine, she can't be beat
Got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire

I want Candy, I want Candy

Go to see her with her hair hung down
Ain't no finer girl in town
Candy's just what the doctor ordered
She's so sweet, she makes my mouth water

I want Candy, I want Candy

Candy on the beach, there's nothing better
But I like Candy when it's wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I'll make her mine
Then I'll have Candy all the time

I want Candy, I want Candy
The above are the original lyrics. Here's a video:

The male singers demonstrate not the slightest sexuality, let alone expression. Meanwhile, a troupe of cheerleaders dance in and around them in somewhat short, but mainly fun clothing. The atmosphere is one of fun and dancing, without much overt sexuality.

Now here's Bow Wow Wow doing the same thing, twenty years later:

The men are barechested; they're sex symbols in the same caliber as the members of The Clash, something on the level of fraternity dudes. But the lead singer, Annabella Lwin, is a different story, she's twirling around phallic candy canes, licking ice cream, kneeling with her thighs revealed, and soaking water up the back of her dress.

The lyrics have changed from "a girl who's soft and sweet" to "a guy who's tough but sweet", and from "with her hair hung down" to "when the sun goes down". Still makes the mouth water, though. She expresses sexual desire, is sexually desirable, but is still mostly just having fun. She doesn't fondle the guys or look like a whore, for instance.

Now here's Melanie C's version, twenty years later:

Melanie dresses in tight leather, dances like a stripper, fondles fluorescent lights, rubs her breasts, licks her parted lips, and otherwise acts like a whore. Furthermore, the men are half-naked beefcake sex objects for her playthings. But it doesn't end there, no.

She's a girl now singing about "a girl who's tough but sweet", which could be construed as either lesbian or straight on straight girl activity, either one representing an uninhibited, gender-blind sexuality: she can sleep with men or women and she can do it in public.

This video is pretty representative of how female performers present themselves nowadays: as strippers, soaked in sexuality, without any inhibitions, mysteries, innocence, shyness, or self-respect. I won't say that it can't get any worse; it certainly can, and I fear that it will. In another twenty years, they'll simply be having sex on stage.

I kind of miss the 80s version, though. There should still be some child-like fun left in the world.


  1. 1) Congratulations, you're officially old.

    2) You must know some pretty boring strippers.

    3) I can't wait to see how my daughter horrifies me.

  2. Marc,

    Old: I suspected as much. You know, it's not that I object to videos of people dancing like this. It's that my daughter thinks that this is the only type of dancing. She doesn't seem to know that their are other types of dance, or that today's dance is deliberately trying to emulate stripping.

    I know that every generation thinks their kids are degenerate, but this series of videos is actual proof.

  3. Thank you for taking the opportunity to effectively illustrate the troubling drift in our culture. Point well made...

    Parents of young ones are definitely going to have their hands full.

  4. I'm going to preface my comment by pointing out that I'm 40 and a huge fan of Adam & the Ants, Bow Wow Wow and the new romantic era. This is the music that helped shaped my pre-teen years.

    Don't forget that Bow Wow Wow stirred up quite a bit of controversy when an under-aged Annabella posed nude on the cover of their album. Other hits of theirs included Wild in the Country and Sexy Eiffel Towers, both of of which were a bit less innocent.

    When I watched the 3rd video, I was pretty impressed at how tame it really is compared to a lot of the videos out there.

    And yes, we've become a more openly sexual culture. That means we're also more open about sexual abuse, and inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. The price a great many women paid for the "innocent sexuality" of the past was a high one.

    So, all in all, be glad that your daughter is being raised in a world that will allow her to be empowered and in charge of her own sexuality. She'll be glad of that when she enters the workforce and has the tools to deal with some of those people raised to treat women like objects.

  5. Bo Diddly beat. Not Buddy Holly.

    Annabel was 15 at the time.


  6. "I Want Candy is a sexual song, that's pretty clear"

    Maybe it's the age when I first heard it but I never connected that dot. Interesting to ponder.


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