Saturday, January 03, 2009

I've Got 10 Copies of "It's Alive" in Israel to Sell

For those of you in Israel that want to buy my game but have been put off by the shipping costs, I have 10 brand-spanking new copies of the second edition in my hands to sell for the ridiculously low price of 90 NIS each (that's less than with the UK shipping rate). Email me if you want.

First come first served. If all 10 sell out, I might get more at the end of February.

I also picked up a copy of Reiver Games' other game, Carpe Astra, which I hope to get to the table sometime soon.



  1. I'm interested, but I'm not allowed to buy games again yet... My wife has put her foot down and is cutting me off for a few months.

    So in a few months, when I'm allowed to buy games again, if you still have any, I'll probably want.

    She says that if you're willing to accept 100 shekel in Tlushim, she's ok with that. (Tavei Zahav - good at Ace, Steimansky, Supersol stores, Fox, and more)

  2. My wife says that's ok. Have your wife call my wife. :-)

    Or just come to games night on Wed.

  3. Can't make it this week, but I think I might be able to next week.


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