Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Scrabble w/Rachel: 407 to 395

Rachel won. She had a first round (second player) bingo with MOONIES. I had a late game bingo with POUNdING off a free G. Could have made POUNcING, too, but I was hoping to utilize the d.

I also dumped a Z at 1,2, i.e. right in front of the top-left Triple word score, thinking that there were not too many words with Z as the second letter. I knew about AZO and AZURE, and I left myself with URE in my hand, so I only needed to pick an A. I figured it would be harder for Rachel to get it. She didn't wait however, and simply played off the Z without getting the triple word score.

Two blog links:

Secure Immunity describes his love for Cosmic Encounter and Talisman in the context of Ameritrash and Eurogaming.

Chris Farrell on how to write better rule books for games.


  1. Scrabble is such a great way to encourage children to love language. I bet you're happy that Rachel has taken a liking to it!

  2. Absolutely, especially as she's older than I am. :-)



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