Monday, August 20, 2007

Cosmic Encounter to be Reprinted, Take Two ...

Last October I quoted Peter Olotka who said in an interview that he was in discussions with FunAgain games to reprint the entire EON line.

Now a Fantasy Flight Games press release last Saturday night at Gen-Con (summarized here) indicated that they would be reprinting the EON line of games, including at least Cosmic Encounter, Dune (rethemed, since Herbert's estate won't give permission for using the Dune theme), and Borderlands.

Hope springs eternal.



  1. Can't wait.

    FFG version of Cosmic? I'm excited just thinking about what it may look like.

  2. This makes me so happy. I haven't played CE in over twenty years.

  3. You know what? I'll believe it when I see it.

    Furthermore, unless the game has at least 75 powers, flares, and up to six players, it won't be much to celebrate.



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