Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's Alive Going Well; My Contest, Not So Much

It's Alive

My game It's Alive continues to sell well, and I calculate that the first run will be sold out within a month or two. Lucky for those of you who miss out on the first run, my one-man publisher is talking to a bigger publisher who may be interested in making a second, larger print-run.

Average rating on the Geek is 7.4, which would put it within the top 100 games if it got a few hundred additional similar ratings.

12 copies of the game landed last week in the brick-and mortar store Games Lore, and two already sold.

The Contest

It seems that I am incapable of giving away money. I received no entries to my contest, apparently because the questions were too difficult. Were you expecting to just be able to Google the answers?

For your elucidation, here are the answers, and how I expected you to be able to figure them out:

1. Name the six blogs to which I now have, or once had, official posting privileges.

You can get three of the answers from my About Me page: Yehuda (jergames.blogspot.com), Blogging Without a Wire (withoutawire.blogspot.com), and Good Neighbors (www.gnblog.com).

Various links on my sidebar, and my Blogger profile, point to the other Game Blog that I used to write for, Gone Gaming (boredgamegeeks.blogspot.com), as well as two other blogs which I have reserved but haven't written for, yet. The latter two would have been acceptable.

My Blogger profile, my sidebar, and every week I point you to the Jerusalem Strategy Gaming Club session reports blog (jsgc.blogspot.com).

Looking at the titles from my archives would have found you this post from last year, New Blog: Topics from 192 Countries, where I announced that I was posting for a new blog (topics192.blogspot.com). I stopped posting for this blog after a few months.

2. Name one of the three posts on this blog that I wrote and then deleted.

If you searched my blog for "deleted", you could have found at least one: Are Games Mud?. Googling my blog for "deleted" yields the others.

3. Where on this blog do I use the phrase "Jew, Black, or Blue-eyed"?

Well, you can't Google this one, obviously. So the answer has to be either in a picture or in some other text that wouldn't show up under Google. To find pictures, you simply have to check out my posts labeled "cartoon". However, it's not in a picture.

I admit that finding text that doesn't show up on Google is a bit more challenging. In my case, the text is in a JavaScript alert box on this post. See the asterisk. You could have found the text by searching for the term Blue-eyed in any source-page that contained this post.

4. I am listed as a technical editor for the twelfth volume of what magazine?

AI Magazine. Searching Google for "berlinger volume magazine" would have found this for you, so long as you note that my name is listed as "Jonathan Berlinger". I've mentioned that this is my original English name many times in various posts.

5. What am I still waiting for you to figure out?

Text is in the cartoon of the post titled Still Waiting. I'm still waiting for you to figure out the "right move".

Too hard a task for $25? If so, I apologize. The next contest will just have to be $50. Sometime before Christmas/Hanukkah, I would imagine.

If you or your company would like to sponsor a contest with games or cash prizes on my blog, please email me.



  1. Seeing as I found you in the last month via Flak - there was no way I was going to be able to answer these. That would have been a very tough quiz.

    But I do like your game commentary.

  2. Thanks, Scooter. Sorry the quiz was too tough.



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