Monday, February 14, 2005


I posted a review of Oceania on the Geek: . Rereading it, I'm not sure it is wholly coherent. One slight problem with the Geek is the inability to edit most things after they have been posted.

I also caught up on my session reporting.

I hesitate to publicize this, but I actually made my first "geekgold (mine) for actual item" trade, the actual item being the puerto rico expansion. Now, I know some other people, and even I, would be happy to gift geekgold for free when asked. And some people discourage geekgold gifting altogether, so as to force others to contribute. Still, I think that a small item in exchange for less work on someone else's part, and a reward for hours of contributions on my part, is not unjustified.

I don't think geekgold can be evaluated monetarily, yet. For instance, I don't think I could have offered more gold for a more expensive item: people don't need more geekgold, and people are willing to give out cheap items as they would give charity, where a more expensive item is expected to have "actual worth" in trading power.


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