Monday, April 25, 2005

Happy Passover

Saturday was shabbat, as usual, and Saturday night/Sunday the first day of Passover. Only the first day and last day of Passover qualify as "holy day" holidays. The in-between days count as semi-holidays - I can still go to work ... unfortunately. I'm taking off Thursday for the JSGC GAME DAY, of course.

Saturday you can't prepare for the seder night, so everything had to be done before shabbat, leaving us a long dull shabbat day without a good book to read. I finally convinced my wife to go for a walk with me and we ended up at Nadine's, where we played a five player Puerto Rico game. Usually these games come down to between Nadine and Rachel, and it looked that way to me for most of the game. However, the other two players were still sufficiently new that they chose roles without looking too much at what it did for the other players. Somehow I ended up benefiting from this, although I still don't know how.

I know I made the correct decision of Wharf versus Harbor, which is usually correct for five player, and won handily at 57 to 46/44/41/33.

Sunday afternoon Rachel and I played two games, First game 52-51 in my favor. Second game 52-51 in her favor. Really time to move onto a new game, here.


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