The street on which we were staying while in Budapest. It's pretty central, and had a lot of bars on it. "utca" is street. The Hungarian language is not Latin based like so many other European languages, but an Uralic one, related to Finnish. I'm not sure how this came to be. Lots of slanted lines and dots over the vowels.
Why did I take a picture of the street sign? So that if we got lost and had to take a taxi, I could just show them the picture of where we needed to go.

Where we stayed. Pretty nice place, and not expensive - 75 EUR a night for four of us, I believe, with full kitchen facilities. Some rooms were nicer than others, and the free wireless only worked on the 4th to 6th floor.

Sandblasting the building faces.

Random building statue downtown Pest.

Random building statue downtown Pest.

Random street view downtown Pest.

Me in front of a random statue downtown Pest.

Random building downtown Pest.

Random building and street downtown Pest.

Random building downtown Pest.

Random statue by the Danube in downtown Pest. Buda is across the Danube.

Tram tracks by the Danube. The city has buses, trams, and subways. Trams are fun, but the overhead wires tend to detract from the scenery.

A wandering musician in Pest.

One of hundreds of people trying to get you to buy Budapest passes that allow you to hop around the city. She spoke a little English, and did her best to try to help us, as did most other people we ran into in Budapest.

Random statue in downtown Pest.

Random street flowers in downtown Pest, opposite the previous statue.

Random building in downtown Pest.

Random statue in downtown Pest.

Random building in downtown Pest.

One of four lions at the entrance to the Chain Bridge, the first bridge to connect Buda to Pest. Legend has it that the lions have no tongues. The sculptor, when challenged on this, said that you can't see the tongue of a lion when his head is up, anyway, and he was proved to be right.

The Chain Bridge across the Danube.

Rachel on the Chain Bridge across the Danube.

View of Pest from the Chain Bridge.

Corner mural on Buda, across from the Chain Bridge. To my right is an expensive trolley car that will take you up to the top (30 second journey). To the left you can simply walk up in about 5 minutes.

Pest, after walking up to the top of the hill in Buda.
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