Monday, March 06, 2006

Global Comm

I just had my first Skype with Tom Vasel, and we talked for a few minutes like old friends. Which we are, at least from my side. And yet, we've never met.

Tom is seven hours ahead of me. New York is seven hours behind me. I've Skyped both ways. Most people in the world are now available to me in the simplest format, indexed by name, with a single scroll and a click. At any time and clear as a bell.

My wife and I also had our first IM session, yesterday (we Skyped while I was in Texas). It would have been too much interruption to pick up the phone, dial, ring, talk and disconnect. IMing, however, was simple and easy, because I could look away, continue my work, and then respond to the next message when it came in.

Of course, to do this we must still be tethered to the computer. But soon ...

Down with the world of geo-political borders, with monopolistic communication carriers, and with distance. The business carried over telcom lines more than pays for the personal data. One world, connected. My electronic fingers reach out to you and brush your senses, whoever you are, wherever you are.



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