Check in

me-ander, trying to get people to sign up to host the Kosher Food and Jewish Picture blog carnivals.

Baruch Gorden and ?

Rivka, of Coffee and Chemo

A press photographer

QuietusLeo on the right

The infamous Haaretz journalist who wrote that the conference was mostly featuring right-wing religious bloggers (he wasn't actually wrong).

Jacob Richman, of CJI

Israel Matzav

Gideon Ariel

The food

Yael of Oleh Girl in the back. Zemer from tzipiyah on the right.

ck of Jewlicious, anon, ?

Rafi Goldmeier

Ehav Ever of Hochmah and Musar

Rahel of Elms in the Yard. And the back of Gavi Zeitlin of Israelfix.

Mincha at the conference

David Bogner of Treppenwitz

First panelists: Israel Matzav, Treppenwitz, Jewlicious, Hirhurim, My Urban Kvetch
Nice Pictures.
I also added pictures online at:
Have a good night,
Gee, Yehuda, that sure is a flattering shot of me.
Attention everyone: Rahel is very beautiful, and this picture was unflattering of her.
Yeah, I do look decent when I'm not busy stuffing my face!
I think the picture under Israel Matzav of the 1st post is Gideon Ariel (Likud activist in Manhigut Yehudit, Maale Adumim). I have no idea if he has a blog or not.
nice pictures. thanks for postng and identifying.
Picture 12: Young man on right with light blue kippa is Zemer from tzipiyah.com.
Picture 16, young man whose back is seen in light blue shirt is Gavi Zeitlin, of Israelfix.blogspot.com.
The person on the right in the 3rd picture (with the beard) is Baruch Gorden on Arutz Sheva.
And the only shot you got of me was my back?!
-Israel Fix
The dark-skinned guy with the black glasses and the goatee is Ehav Ever of http://hochmaumusar.blogspot.com/
Picture number 6, the gentleman on the right is yours truely, QuietusLeo of The Sandman.
Glad to see I was really there. From the pictures at my grandson's brit, I wasn't.
Also thanks for helping to publicize the jblog carnivals.
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