Stephen Leavitt of WebAds

My Urban Kvetch


ck of Jewlicious

David Bogner of Treppenwitz

Bibi Netanyahu

Zavi Apfelbaum of the Foreign Ministry


Soldierette holding up mic for Galgalatz to hear Bibi speak.

Someone associated with Bibi

Someone else associated with Bibi (Danny Ayalon)

Israel Matzav

Frum Satire

Frum Satire and the winner of the waffle maker (Yisrael Medad of My Right Word)

Zavi Apfelbaum

The second panel of speakers: What War Zone?, Treppenwitz, Oleh Girl, My Right Word, My Shrapnel


My Shrapnel

Yael of Oleh Girl

David Bogner of Treppenwitz

Yisrael Medad of My Right Word

What War Zone?

Seraphic Secret - on the left. His wife, Karen - middle - helps edit. Chayyei Sarah on the right.

Danny Oberman, Nefesh B'Nefesh
The speaker who opened the first panel was Stephen Leavitt of WebAds (one of our sponsors).
The winner of the waffle maker was Yisrael Medad of My Right Word. He told me that he will not be using it for 3:00 AM breakfasts.
I'm pretty sure that "Someone else associated with Bibi" is Danny Ayalon.
It's kind of hard to make him out (picture's a little dark), but that was Danny Ayalon sitting front and center.
The woman to the right of Karen Avrech ("Mrs. Seraphic Secret") is Chaye Sara.
LOL - cute.
P. S. I saw your shirt at Elms In The Yard.
Good one.
Someone else associated with Bibi was Tony Gelbart of Nefesh B'Nefesh.
Women soldiers in the IDF are not referred to soldierettes. She is a reporter for IDF Radio, hence the blue shoulder boards marked IDF Radio (Galei TZHAL).
DoubleTapper, blogging on Guns Politics Defense from Israel
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