Electronic game table - A poker table with built-in screens and controls for each player handling betting and so on. Can hook up to other tables using networking.
Movie-related card game - A movie based VCR card game (DVD also acceptable). You get to play cards like "cliche" when the corresponding cliche occurs in the movie and gain points.
Game machine - A pachinko game with rear-projection images. Something about fixing the problem of "slipping nails".
Game with path-intersecting disruptor - The abstract and text makes it sound like a roll and move game where something occasionally blocks the movement of one or more players. The pictures make it look like some sort of electronic monster that moves around the board eating player pieces.

Musical game - Draw cards and write the correct musical notation.
Apparatus and method for managing social games - Not really a game, but a method of matching people who like the same activities at a speed dating event.
Educational game - With a name like that, you just know it's going to be a good game, right? It's a roll-and-move trivia games where you gain points for answering questions, or when others answer questions correctly while on your space. It pretends to be about any game theme, but is specifically about public policy.
That's it. A light month.
The "path-intersecting disruptor" game has already been published - it's Robots, a movie spin-off game that works fine with 2 players but bogs down with more as the monster (aka disruptor) makes too many trips and keeps stealing VP's from the players.
BTW, the disruptor is a wind-up toy.
You can find it on the Geek at
Thanks, Mark. Looks pretty dumb.
At least two gaming companies have already built electronic, networked poker tables and at least one has already placed them in several casinos. I don't see anything new to differentiate the poker table patent from "prior art".
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