Just imagine.
Imagine that you didn't live in darkness. Imagine that you had organs to sense colors and light, distance, beauty, ugliness. Imagine that you had eyes. Imagine that you could see.
Imagine what you would do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you use them to see the vibrant beauty of the world? Imagine that you could see rich colors of the people around you. The flush of skin. The crisp green and brown woods, and indigo mountains. Imagine that you could see the towering wood, earthy bricks, and straight steel beams of our cities. What could you do with eyes? What would you do with them?
Imagine that you didn't live in silence. Imagine that you had organs to sense vibrations and sound, music and wind, distance, beauty, ugliness. Imagine that you had ears. Imagine that you could hear.
Imagine what you would do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you use them to hear beauty all around you? Imagine that you could hear brooks, trees, sounds of love and anger, hopes and passion, laughter and despair. Imagine what sweet music could do to your heart. What could you do with ears? What would you do with them?
Imagine that you didn't live unvoiced. Imagine that you had organs to speak, sing, call, love, sway, calm, and comfort. Imagine that you had a mouth, tongue, and teeth. Imagine that you could speak.
Imagine what you would do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you use them to create beauty around you? Imagine that you could give pleasure, love, comfort, assistance. Imagine that you could make others feel loved, understood, touched, or believed, or guided, or happy. Imagine that you could create sweet song. What could you do with a mouth? What would you do with one?
Imagine that you didn't live stationary. Imagine that you could move about, run, bend, jump, dance. Imagine that you had legs. Imagine that you could walk.
Imagine what you could do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you use them to find beauty? Imagine that you could make others laugh or feel through dance, or you could travel to places with joy, beauty, or awe. Imagine that you could bring these to other people, or feel your body swaying. What could you do with them? What would you do with them?
Imagine that you didn't live separated. Imagine that you could feel, hold, embrace, scratch, carry, caress, and tantalize. Imagine that you had skin and hands. Imagine that you could touch.
Imagine what you could do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you touch beauty, create happiness, and hold, comfort, and connect? Imagine that you could feel things smooth, supple, rough, and ragged, skin, food, cloth, leaves, and rocks. Water and ice. Heat and hair. Imagine that you could enfold and hold, carry, reach, and move. What could you do with hands? What would you do with them?
Imagine that you didn't live purposeless. Imagine that you could sense right from wrong, better from worse, less loved from more loved, less helpful from more helpful. Imagine that you had a heart. Imagine that you had a conscience.
Imagine what you could do with them. Would you waste them? Or would you see, hear, speak, walk, and touch everything that you could to make the world a better place? Imagine that you could help, show love, give happiness, give comfort, see needs, correct wrongs, hear cries, make things better, foster understanding, build a community, gather friends, erase loneliness, feed the hungry, clothe the needy, offer rest, judge kindly, feel, do, and be in this world. Imagine you could make one or more lives better today. What could you do with this power? What would you do with this power?