Peach Game, the first
Components: One peach per player, pencil and paper, a timer.
Play: Each player eats a peach and then has three minutes to write a poem on peachness. Poems are mixed up and read. Players vote for their favorite poem, and the player who wrote the poem with the highest score wins.
Peach Game, the second
Components: Pencil and paper, a timer
Play: Each player has three minutes to write a poem on peachness. Poems are mixed up and read. Players vote for their favorite poem, and the player who wrote the poem with the highest score wins.
Peach Game, the third
Components: A board of one hundred spaces, each of which contains poems snippets about peaches. Player pieces. Paper to cover visited spaces. Paper and pencils. A die.
Play: Players roll the die and move that many spaces, skipping over covered spaces. When landing on a space, the player copies the snippet onto paper and covers the space. The game ends when no spaces remain in the same column or row. The players vote for their favorite poem, and the player who wrote the poem with the highest score wins.
Peach Game, the fourth
Components: Board, cards, player pieces, die.
Play: Roll dice, move piece, pick cards. Read the card and perform what the card says. Example cards include: describe peaches, compare peaches to other fruit, what color does peach inspire in you, what car is most like a peach, etc...
Peach Game, the fifth
Components: Board, pieces, growth cards, peach component cards.
Play: Players take turn auctioning off peach component cards. The components include the soil type, rain fall, shade, nutrients, and so on. Players may trade these using blind bidding for peach component cards, such as blush, flavor, ripeness, and so on. The player with the highest scoring peach at the end of the game wins. Each of the cards is beautifully decorated with peach or peach blossoms and poetic descriptions of peaches.
Peach Game, the sixth
Components: DNA cards and combination charts.
Play: Each player is dealt a hand. On your turn, pick a card and try to meld DNA combinations, scoring according to the chart; higher points for higher peachiness. If you empty your hand, the other players have one more round to finish. Follow any special directions written on the cards when you draw them.
If you complete the entire DNA of a peach, you instantly win.
BONUS: Peach Game, the seventh
A scientist who was smoking grass while reading Snow Crash discovered the exact set of mathematical sequences that, when performed, trigger the same effects in the brain as eating a peach.
A game has been designed with rules that take you through these exact steps. Be careful not to swap steps 438 and 439, however, or your brain will trigger a rotten garlic taste.
That's just peachy.
yeah and sure and pie and peach
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