Sunday, April 02, 2006

Plurality Puzzle

The rules:

- The answer to each question is the most likely possibility for any human completing the sentence. For example, the answer to the question:

My gender is __________ .


"Male" (according to the CIA World Factbook)

- Each question is entirely separate from the question that precedes or follows it, unless otherwise specified. Therefore, the answer to one question may not logically follow from the answer of the previous question.

- The question may be intentionally vague, especially if the wording of the question implies an assumption. Provide the best answer you can, and justify your understanding of the question, if necessary.


01. My first name is __________ .
02. My last name is __________ .
03. I live on the continent __________ .
04. I live in the country __________ .
05. I live/do not live in a city.
05. I do live in a city, and the city is __________ .
06. I live on a street called __________ .
07. Same as the previous question, but I forgot to say that I live in Europe. My street is called ___________ .
08. I live in this kind of dwelling: __________ .
09. I have lived there for ____ years.
10. I live with ____ other people .
11. I live in a house with house number ____ .
12. I live in an apartment with apartment number ____ .
13. My age is ____ .
14. My family income is __________ .
15. I am of marriageable age, and I (am/am not) married.
16. I am a child. I go/don't go to school during the school year.
17. I am an adult. My profession is __________ .
18. I am an adult, and I am/am not working.
19. I am an adult, and I did/did not serve in an army or other militia.
20. I ate ____ calories yesterday.
21. I live in the U.S. For breakfast I had __________ .
22. I live in the U.S. My favorite food is __________ .
23. I don't really live in the U.S. My favorite food is __________ .
24. I mostly drink __________ .
25. I drank ____ bottles of wine last year.
26. I ate ____ kilos of meat last year.
27. I ate out at a restaurant ____ times last year.
28. I cooked __________ for dinner tonight, just for the two of us!
29. I cooked __________ for dinner tonight, my whole family of eight!
30. I just ate a can of __________ .
31. I just drank a bottle of __________ .
32. I own ____ pieces of clothes, counting belts, hats, and shoes separately.
33. Speaking of which, I own ____ hats.
34. I wear/don't wear shoes.
35. I am allergic to __________ .
36. I have ____ T-shirts .
37. I have ____ Metallica T-shirts.
38. I have/don't have a domesticated pet (not a farm animal).
39. My pet is a __________ .
40. My pet's name is __________ .
41. My second pet is a __________ .
42. I read ____ books last year .
43. The last book I read was ___________ .
44. I liked/didn't like the last book I read.
45. My favorite web site is __________, but the website I visit most is __________ .
46. My favorite print magazine is __________ .
47. The board or card game I play most is __________ .
48. I don't play that game! The board or card game that I play most is __________ .
49. The two-player board or card game I play most is __________ .
50. I play/don't play sports.
51. The sport I play is __________ .
52. Actually, I watch sports, and I watch __________ .
53. I own/don't own a television.
54. I watch __________ most often on television.
55. I have ____ friends (number).
56. I have/have not been twenty miles away from my home.
57. I have/have not traveled outside of my country.
58. I have traveled outside of my country to visit __________ .
59. I forgot to mention that I got there by flying, so I really visited __________ .
60. No wait! It was a boat, so I really visited __________ .
61. Actually, it wasn't a boat or a plane, I just walked to __________ .
62. I have/haven't moved in the last year.
63. In the last year I moved from __________ .
64. In the last year I moved to __________ .
65. I forgot to say that I moved more than a thousand miles! In the last year I moved from __________ to __________ .
66. I am/am not happy.
67. Same question, but I forgot to say that I'm married.
68. Same question as 66, but I forgot to say that I'm divorced.
69. I am/am not hungry.
70. Same question, but I forgot to mention that I am an only child.
71. Same question as 69, but I forgot to mention that I have five siblings that I still live with.
72. I am/am not healthy.
73. Same question, but I forgot to mention that I live in Africa.
74. I am sick with __________ .
75. My father died of __________ .
76. My mother died of __________ .
77. Both of my parents are/are not still alive .
78. Only one of my parents is alive and it's my __________ .
79. My parents are/are not divorced.
80. I am or will be/am not and never will be divorced.
81. I will live until I am ____ years old.
82. I will die due to __________ .
83. But not my sister, because she will die of __________ .
84. I am/am not on medication.
85. I do/don't believe in one absolute deity.
86. I do believe in one absolute deity, and I do/don't pray at least once a week.
87. Actually I don't believe in one absolute deity, but I believe in some other one or more higher powers other than the human generated kind.
88. I do/don't have a garden, house plant, or other plant life that I take care of.
89. I do/don't sing every day.
90. I most often sing __________ .
91. The instrument that I play is __________ .
92. I dance ____ times a week.
93. I laugh ____ times a day.
94. I cry ____ times a day.
95. I sleep ____ hours a day or night.
96. I do/don't remember my dreams.
97. My last dream was about _________ .
98. I am/am not thinking of someone other than myself.
99. I could/couldn't care less.
100. I am/am not looking forward to the future.


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