Friday, April 20, 2007

Today's Lesson is How to Avoid Corruption

In Israel, the people who are licensed to check your car to see if it is roadworthy each year get paid extra money if they find faults with the car. You are forced to fix the problems and then bring it back in for a second check. Furthermore, they are licensed to sell you the parts and services that can be used to fix these problems, although, at least, they can't force you to use their service for that. Most people do, of course, because it's way more convenient.

Any guesses on what percentage of people pass the first time through the test?

In Israel, you are required to take driving lessons before getting your driving license. These are very expensive. It is the same driving instructors who then decides at the end of the lessons whether you have passed your test or require more driving lessons.

Any guesses on how many people pass the test without the need for further lessons?

The people in power vote on the salary for the people in power, instead of having their salary, perforce, linked to a national median.

Any idea how high their salaries are compared to the national median?

Answers: Maybe they aren't corrupt, or maybe they are. The point is, is that this is a dumb system that breeds corruption. It is like someone involved in a high-stakes poker tournament ruling on the legality his or her own play.

Don't do that.

Next week's lesson: how not to annoy your customers when there are several better alternatives that provide the same service.

Game News

Paizo is ceasing publication of Dragon and Dungeon magazines. I'm not entirely certain from the press release, but it looks like the paper issues are coming to an end but something similar will be continuing online by Wizards of the Coast, the license holders.


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