Thursday, December 06, 2007

Second Game Results

Here are the results of Game 2.

1. Street Number (507): 493(KS) = 20, 467(TK) = 9.5

My street number was 507 Madison Avenue.

2. Bar-Mitzvah (100): 100(JC) 100(DB) = 11, 89(GS) = 5.5

Exactly 100, according to my mom. And to all of you who guessed only
15 people liked me enough to come to my bar-mitzvah, pftthhhhhtttt!

3. Flight Price (1047): 1047(DJ) = 14, 999(JG) = 7.5

On Air Canada. Amazing guess, DJ.

4. Flier Points (3486): 3350(EE) = 16, 2850(AL) = 8.5

And the reason I'm not going to be a loyal frequent flier on Air
Canada. It should have been some 15,000 miles, but I flew with the
wrong share codes, or something.

5. HS Class (67): 53(AL) = 12, 52(AP) = 5.5

Not very large, I know.

6. Days in Israel (5943): 5820(DB) = 24, 4567(JM) = 11.5

Surely I've mentioned somewhere on my site that I've been in Israel
since 1989, no?

7. Num Guesses (146): 128(HC) = 15, 120(FT) = 7

Num guesses for all questions that did not go over is 146.

And the winner is debbob with a score of 101. All people who scored
more than 0:

DB: 101
SN: 64
MZ: 39
DJ: 37
BB: 32.5
EL: 32
FT: 32
AL: 30
MJ: 30
JM: 28
SBE: 27
JG: 27
PJ: 26
IM: 25.5
AP: 23.5
JC: 21
KS: 19.5
KS: 17.5
AB: 16
MS: 15
GS: 12
TK: 11.5
EE: 10
RP: 7
DH: 7
MH: 7
MS: 5.5

Thanks for playing.


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